
Athul Kaitheri

Research Fellow: Ice Sheet EO (IMBIE)
Northumbria University

Areas of expertise: Ice Sheets; Satellite Altimetry

Associated projects: IMBIE; ESA CCI

Athul Kaitheri started with CPOM as a Research Fellow at Northumbria University in September 2023 to work on ice sheet observations. He primarily works on projects such as the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Comparison Exercise (IMBIE), ESA CCI for the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets, etc. His work on IMBIE, with contributions from the global scientific community, will reconcile satellite measurements of ice sheet mass balance to reduce uncertainties in mass balance estimation and help constrain future projections of sea level rise.

Athul completed his PhD at the Universite Côte d’Azur (France) primarily focusing on characterizing the changes in Antarctic Ice Sheets using spaceborne gravimetry and altimetry observations.



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