
Michel Tsamados

Associate Investigator: Ice Sheet and Climate Modelling

Areas of expertise: Material Sciences; Climate Sciences; Rheology; Polar Observations; Sea Ice

Associated projects: PSSI; CSAO; Sikuttiaq; SIN’XS; CLEV2ER

Michel Tsamados is an associate professor in the department of Earth Sciences at UCL. He joined CPOM in 2010 as a Postdoc. His current research includes developing state-of-the-art satellite products in the polar regions and improving model parameterizations of sea ice. More recently, as part of his collaborations with the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Met Office Academic Partnership (MOAP), he has initiated several activities relating to AI applications to the polar climate and remote sensing.

Michel completed his PhD at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 with his research on the mechanical properties and statistical physics of disordered glassy systems.


ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7034-5360

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