
Romilly Close

PhD Researcher
Lancaster University

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Romilly Close is a PhD student at Lancaster University, funded by an ENVISION CASE studentship co-funded by the National Physical Laboratory. Romilly joined CPOM in October 2022, supervised by Professor Mal McMillan (Lancaster), Dr Emma Woolliams (NPL), and Dr Amber Leeson (Lancaster). Their research aims to combine very high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and new streams of highly accurate altimetry satellite data to reduce the uncertainty of glacier mass balance estimates in the Antarctic Peninsula. The pipeline will be highly scalable and will enable us to look at mass loss at a variety of scales, from the highly localised small glaciers to the regional scale.

In 2016, Romilly completed an integrated masters at the University of Sheffield, in Aerospace Engineering with a Year in North America. The exchange year was hosted by the University of Buffalo SUNY, USA. Following this, they worked as a composites/nanomaterial research engineer until joining CPOM.



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