Major Collaborations

Major Collaborations

CPOM’s major collaborations are described below. You can also find a list of all our recent initiatives, as well as older projects.


Sea level contribution due to the Antarctic ice sheet between 1992 and 2017. Credit: IMBIE/Planetary Visions

IMBIE (the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Comparison Exercise) is an international collaboration providing improved estimates of the ice sheet contribution to sea level rise, and ice sheet mass balance, by combining gravimetry, altimetry and the mass budget method.  The latest IMBIE assessment reported in 2018, highlighting that ice losses from Antarctica have increased global sea levels by 7.6 mm since 1992, with two fifths of this rise (3.0 mm) coming in the last five years alone.



ISMIP6 (the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, CMIP6) brings together international ice sheet models and coupled ice sheet-climate models to fully explore the sea level rise contribution from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.



iSTAR (the NERC Ice Sheet Stability Programme) is improving understanding of changes to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where the greatest rates of ice loss have been observed, including the Pine Island, Thwaites and Union Glaciers.  A suite of four research projects focusing on both the oceans (iSTAR A and iSTAR B) and ice, CPOM is involved in iSTAR C and iSTAR D which are investigating the Pine Island, Thwaites and Union Glaciers.


ESA’s CCI (Climate Change Initiative) is making full use of Europe’s Earth Observation space assets to exploit robust long-term global records of essential climate variables, including changes to the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets.



TEA-COSI is a major collaboration aiming to deliver substantial improvements in our understanding of key Arctic ocean and sea ice processes and their impact on the Arctic and wider climate system, and ultimately improve capability to predict changes in the Arctic.