ESA’s Climate Change Initiative (CCI) consists of 27 projects geared towards producing data on Essential Climate Variables physical, chemical and biological characteristics that contribute to the Earth’s climate plus a dedicated climate modelling project, a comprehensive data portal, a toolbox to facilitate product analysis, and a visualization tool to support outreach.
CPOM is involved in two CCI projects: Antarctica and Greenland.
CCI Ice Sheets Antarctica
Led by CPOM, the Antarctic CCI is developing long term and reliable climate satellite data records, to improve understanding of present day changes on the Antarctic Ice Sheet and provide data for models at a higher spatial and temporal resolution than is currently available, thereby improving estimates of future change.
The project will produce, validate and deliver surface elevation change, ice velocity, grounding line and gravimetry mass balance data sets derived from satellite observations, to the scientific community.
Partners include:
- European Space Agency (ESA)
- The Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF)
- Deutsches Zentrum ¼r Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR
- DTU Microwaves and Remote Sensing Group (DTU-N), DTU-MRS and DTU Space – Geodesy and Earth Observation Group (DTU-S).
- University of Dresden
- The Climate Research Group (CRG)
As well as directing the overall science strategy and publication outputs from the project, CPOM is lead science team responsible for the surface elevation change EO data product.
Recent CPOM Publications related to this project
- Projected land ice contributions to twenty-first-century sea level rise, Nature 2021
- Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress, Advances in Space Research 2021
- Widespread increase in dynamic imbalance in the Getz region of Antarctica from 1994 to 2018, Nature Communications 2021
- Review article: Earth’s ice imbalance, The Cryosphere 2021
- Evaluating GRACE Mass Change Time Series for the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet—Methods and Results