Our Projects

Our Projects

CPOM contribute to a number of interdisciplinary multi-centre research projects, offering satellite derived estimates of aspects of the cryosphere (such as ice thickness, floe size and sea height) as well as developing advanced simulations. We also direct own single-centre research projects.

Current National Capability Projects

BIOPOLE – Biogeochemical processes and ecosystem function in changing polar systems and their global impacts.

CANARI – Climate change in the Arctic North Atlantic region and Impacts on the UK.

TerraFIRMA – Providing novel climate projections that explore the risks and impacts associated with missing global warming targets.

Our past National Capability projects

ACSIS – Enhancing the UK’s capability to detect, attribute and predict changes in the North Atlantic Climate System.

UKESM – UK Earth System Model.

Orchestra – Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports

Other ongoing projects

IMBIE – Ice Sheet Mass Balance Intercomparison Project.

CCI Ice Sheets Greenland – Analysing data from missions such as ERS, Envisat, CryoSat, GRACE and the new Sentinels.

CCI Ice Sheets Antarctica – Developing long term and reliable climate satellite data records, to improve understanding of present day changes on the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

EOCIS – Creating new, high resolution climate data for the UK.

PRESCIENT – UK Polar Research Expertise for Science and Society

DEFIANT – Drivers and Effects of Fluctuations in sea Ice in the ANTarctic (DEFIANT).

ISMIP – Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6.