Land Ice Modelling

Land Ice Modelling

Our land ice numerical models simulate the behaviour of land ice, incorporating ice flow, melting and accumulation supporting scientists to predict potential future scenarios. We can use data sets and models to assess the mass balance of ice sheets in regions like Greenland and Antarctica, which supports scientists to understand sea level rise and its impact on the global climate.

Related Projects

BIOPOLE – Biogeochemical processes and ecosystem function in a changing polar system.

Providing a step change in the knowledge and predictive capability concerning how polar ecosystems regulate the chemical balance of the world’s oceans and, through it, their effect on global fish stocks and carbon storage.

Find out more about BIOPOLE.

CANARI – Climate change in the Arctic-North Atlantic region and impact on the UK.

Advancing the understanding of the impacts on the UK arising from climate variability and change in the Arctic-North Atlantic region.

Find out more about CANARI

TerraFIRMA – Future impacts risks and mitigation actions

Providing reliable guidance on the risks and impacts of future climate change

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BISICLES Land Ice Model

CPOM leads UK development of the BISICLES ice sheet model.  BISICLES is a state-of-the-art high-performance parallel ice sheet model that employs our own adaptive mesh techniques and data assimilation methods to simulate continental ice sheets.

Find out more about BISICLES.

Recent Publications