Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


To be a diverse, world-leading centre for integrated Earth Observation and modelling of the polar regions, providing long-term data to enhance understanding and prediction of environmental changes and help society prepare for the global impacts of climate change.


CPOM’s overarching mission is to understand how the ice and oceans in the polar regions are changing.

To do this, we will:

1. Remain committed to scientific excellence, openness, integrity and innovation.

2. Bring together polar observation and modelling expertise to improve confidence in climate projections.

3. Provide leadership and long-term underpinning observations and theoretical understanding to national and international scientific projects and assessments.

4. Advise and influence the development of polar satellite missions.

5. Be a trusted, expert source of information on the polar regions for the scientific community, government/policymakers and the public.

6. Effectively communicate the impacts of the changing polar environment outside of the scientific community.

7. Develop the next generation of leaders in polar science, ensuring equity of opportunity for all.

8. Advance the culture of diversity, inclusivity and environmental responsibility in polar science.

9. Support Net Zero carbon goals, work towards reducing the carbon footprint of polar science and embed environmental sustainability in everything we do.