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Dr Rosie Willatt bringing research to secondary schools

11th June 2021

The full story can be found at: Bringing research to secondary schools. | UCL Earth Sciences at UCL University College London

Dr Rosemary Willatt, a CPOM Research Fellow delivers Secondary School Science Advisors programme.

Rosemary Willatt, a Research Fellow in UCL Earth Science’s Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, has developed a new outreach idea based around a flipped learning approach and a reversed power dynamic between students and teachers. Working with the Geobus Leader, Amy Edgington, she presented information on her own work on remote sensing of sea ice, and gave secondary school students the chance to take an active role in the research through posing science questions for Rosie to research.

Martin Hains, a teacher at Leyton College, said:

“Collaborating with UCL has helped to develop our learner’s critical thinking skills. Students have gained first-hand experience of cutting-edge climate research and have been inspired to learn more about the polar regions and their impact on climate change.”

The students have come up with a series of fantastic questions for Rosie, many of which are active topics of research for her or other scientists, giving her the opportunity to develop her own thinking and to bring up-to-date climate science to the students. She hopes to work with other schools or colleges in future.

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