
Rosemary Willatt

CPOM Principal Investigator: Sea Ice Earth Observation

Areas of expertise: Sea Ice Remote Sensing; Calibration and Validation; New Satellite Mission Development

Associated projects: PoSARA; DEFIANT; PRESCIENT

Rosemary Willatt is the Climate Lead and a Lecturer at UCL Department of Earth Sciences and CPOM’s PI for Sea Ice EO. She joined CPOM in 2007 where she completed her PhD, then worked in a range of jobs in environmental sustainability. She returned to academia as a Research Fellow in 2019, then Assistant Professor and CPOM Director of Partnerships at University of Northumbria in 2023. Rosie’s primary area of interest is in remote sensing of sea ice, and she analyses satellite data and conducts experiments in the polar regions and indoor and outdoor ice laboratories, measuring snow and ice properties and deploying surface-based radars.

Rosie is a Mission Advisory Group (MAG) member for ESA’s Sentinel 3 Next Generation Topography (S3-NGT) and Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter (CRISTAL) missions, and PI of the Cryosphere Applications for SWOT Interferometry and Altimetry (CASSIA) project for NASA and CNES.

Rosie was awarded the European Space Agency inaugural Konrad Steffen Award for a presentation on a novel snow depth estimation technique using polarimetric Ku- and Ka-band radar waveforms and is now PI of an ESA New Earth Observation Mission Idea project developing the concept for space application.


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2512-562X

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