
Sammie Buzzard

CPOM Director for Knowledge Exchange; Principal Investigator: Ice Shelf Earth Observation
Northumbria University

Areas of expertise: Glaciology; Ice Shelves; Snow; Sea Ice, Mathematical Modelling; Satellite Observations

Associated projects: BIOPOLE; ExtAnt; SLIDE

Sammie Buzzard returned to the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling at Northumbria University in 2023 as a glaciologist as well as the Director for Knowledge Exchange having previously been a CPOM PhD student. Sammie’s research focuses on the surface hydrology of Antarctica’s ice shelves and modelling how and where ice shelves may become vulnerable to collapse. Other areas of interest in her research include Greenland sub-surface hydrology and snow and melt on Arctic Sea ice.

Sammie completed her PhD at the University of Reading and has undertaken post-doctoral work at UCL and Georgia Tech (USA). Additionally, she was a lecturer at Cardiff University.


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0722-2549

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