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Rachel Tilling wins 2018 Women In Aerospace-Europe Young Professional Award

30th August 2018

Congratulations to CPOM’s Rachel Tilling who has just been announced as the 2018 Women in Aerospace-Europe Young Professional Award Winner!

This recognises her excellent work on Arctic sea ice quantification using satellite altimetry.  You can read the WIA-Europe citation below, and also learn all about Rachel’s Arctic adventures from her CPOM blog post.

Rachel is a climate scientist, specialising in satellite observations of the Polar regions. She received her PhD in Polar Remote Sensing from University College London in 2016 after obtaining her BSc in Physics from the University of Bristol and MSc in Physical Oceanography and Climate Studies from the University of Southampton.

Rachel is an academic research fellow at the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM) where her research focuses on using radar altimetry to monitor changes in global sea ice cover.

Rachel’s research has taken her on expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic with the European Space Agency (ESA) and British Antarctic Survey (BAS), where she investigates ground-based radar measurements over sea ice for satellite validation. Her publications have earned her the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) and Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) early career awards for her work on quantifying sea ice volume changes in the Arctic.

Outside of work Rachel teaches scuba diving and has experience in scientific diving. She is active in communicating her research to the public and keen to diversify the representation of scientists in the media.

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