A CPOM-led study, which shows that 28 trillion tonnes of ice have disappeared from the surface of the Earth since 1994 due to greenhouse gas emissions, has captured media and public attention.
CPOM researchers Professor Andy Shepherd, Dr Tom Slater (first author on the paper, and Dr Isobel Lawrence are quoted in a number of articles, including The Guardian:
“To put the losses we’ve already experienced into context, 28 trillion tonnes of ice would cover the entire surface of the UK with a sheet of frozen water that is 100 metres thick,” added group member Tom Slater from Leeds University. “It’s just mind-blowing.”
The research has been translated in to at least 9 different languages, and high-profile attention includes Greta Thunberg, Caroline Lucas and the World Economic Forum:
”The level of ice loss revealed by the group matches the worst-case-scenario predictions outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)”
Earth has lost 28 trillion tonnes of ice in less than 30 years. #FaceTheClimateEmergency https://t.co/SvGWDnkIZC
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) August 23, 2020
What more can be said? What further evidence are we waiting for?
Feel so overwhelmingly sad – and so angry too
We can’t say we didn’t know
Are we really saying we just didn’t care? #ClimateEmergency #CEEBill @CEEbill_NOW https://t.co/QUx0M0Pu6M
— Caroline Lucas (@CarolineLucas) August 23, 2020
On thin ice.
📕 Read more: https://t.co/9wo5XDuUCr#ClimateChange #SeaIce pic.twitter.com/l0lEvRJeR2
— World Economic Forum (@wef) August 25, 2020
For more information about attention this story has had, see our ‘Media Coverage’ page.