CPOM’s Dr Ines Otosaka gives evidence to the Environmental Audit Sub-Committee on Polar Research

CPOM’s Dr Ines Otosaka gives evidence to the Environmental Audit Sub-Committee on Polar Research

CPOM co-Director Dr Ins Otosaka (Northumbria University) gave evidence yesterday to the Environmental Audit Sub-Committee on Polar Research as part of The UK and Antarctic Environment Enquiry.

The meeting, which took place at the House of Commons, also included evidence from scientists and Directors from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the National Environment Research Council (NERC) as well as Durham University.

The Inquiry is exploring the effects of climate change in Antarctica and how UK science can play a role in understanding this change and protect the region. It also considers what the UK Government can do to meet their obligations under the Antarctic Treaty.

The Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling investigates processes in the earth’s cryosphere, including in Antarctica, using satellite observation data and numerical modelling. Through this CPOM aims to understand how Antarctica, and other aspects of the cryosphere, are changing and the potential impact of these changes on the global climate.

Dr Ins Otosaka is a lecturer at Northumbria University and her research focuses on using satellite and airborne altimetry data of the Antarctic and Greenland icesheets to detect and interpret changes and estimate their contribution to sea level rise.

You can watch the full hearing on Parliament TV.

CPOM’s Professor Andrew Shepherd and Dr Sammie Buzzard feature in POP23 video

CPOM Director Prof Andrew Shepherd and CPOM Assistant Director Sammie Buzzard discuss the importance of protecting our polar regions and how we monitor them here at CPOM in this educational video from the Protecting Our Planet 2023 event run by Stem Learning.